ari ni aku tak keje..mya plak takde ikut ommah dia blk..wargh..nk masak buka pon malas sgt coz ari ni rasa letih yang teramat sgt..maybe x keje so ayish plak dok menyusu je..tu yg jd lapo sgt tgn ni mendail r daddy tnya nk buka dia kte ari ni blk keje awal n dia nk ajak makan kt luar..wargh aku pe lgi naik toncanglah..selamat x yah masak..sory daddy jgn mare ye!! Rupanya dia nk ajak mkan buffet kt hotel..aku pun on nk blanja.. Ari ni mya tak ikut coz ikut ommah dia.ingat dia x ikut x de la kecah time nk mkn x seronok klu dia x de..mummy mcm dating plak dgn daddy..daddy smbil dokong ayish amik agar2 utk desert dia bila dia letak je plate n duduk..prap..plate desert td jatuh..abis btabur kt lantai..ingatkn x de akak x kecah rupanya adiknya pun dh pandai kecah..eee geram betul la montel ni!!
huh..dh puasa dh..alhamdulilah dpt gak lil-mommy puasa.yelah be4 diz x leh pose coz tgh pregnant n breast feed mya kali ni ayish plak.bukan x bleh puasa tp x larat..laponye bukan main..x larat plak nk ganti pose..utk x bg ayish x mragam kononnya nk bg ayish blaja isap botol tp hampeh..cuma gigit2 nipple bottle geram btul mommy.. bersempena bulan baik ni lil-mommy nk mgucapkan selamat bpuasa..semoga datangnya bulan mulia ni dpt diberi kredhaan dan rahmat olehnya keatas pnghuni n hambanya diatas bumi yg semakin tua dan usang..insyallah..sama2lh kita bdoa..moga dijauhkn dr sbrang pnyakit dan malapetaka..
I can hardly believe u are turning two today! It seems like just yesterday we found out when I was pregnant u –Friday June 22, 2007. U might wonder why in the world.. I remember such a random date, but there is a whole history behind that.Now that you have been present in my life for two years, I can’t possibly begin to imagine it without you. Who else would convey their love to me by
looking at me with huge eyes and panting while I am trying to discipline them? You know it will get me to smile every time and I have learned that it is your own silly and unique way of seeking forgiveness and making su
re I still love you, too. Who else would so preciously say “nak peluk” when I blew them kisses every time I put them down to sleep or went to leave them. Who else would say in their own little garbled language, “chayunk” when I say those simple words to you?
I am so grateful that I have the distinct of being your mother.
I love you..Mya..and I always will. I am eternally grateful to ALLAH for softening my heart so you could enter our lives. There is something deeply special about you and my life has improved immensely since I have had you and daddy. Thank you for teaching me how to become more matured because it is as I watch you and her in your meek and childlike ways that I learn what I
need to do to become a better mother, wife, daughter and friend.
Much love always and forever,
with a lot of kiss.
:: mommy ::
♥ me with my beloved family
♥chayunq baby ayish ♥
♥ macam hidangan..fav mya potato wedges ♥
mse utk potong cake idaman mummy..haha yelah kcik2 tak pat..
blew the candle la mya..daddy plak yg blew..
mse nk wat sepah..aritu lepas nyanyi ingatkan trus mletup..semua org wat tak leh..
dia nak tgn daddy sndri wat bru mletup...hahaha..
doa selamat utk mya..
bju orange tu bapa mertuaku n bju itam yg garang bermisai tu my dad..
cik dah n cik dun ni pantang jmpa camera..tak kira lah camera pape pun..mula la nk posing mcm mxxxxx.hahaha.mya je yg tau jwppnya..kan mya..
ha time to potong cake..
btul tak asyik muka cidah n cidun..yg tgh tu my mom..
barbie cakes cdap giler..
ramai yg dtg walaupun cuaca tak berapa elok..thanks pada yg hadir..
barbie besday theme..
k.sya n my bf mihaza...tq 4 coming..
byk agi gmbr tapi byk sgt nk upload..asyik gmbr daddy jer..senang citer daddy mya ni mang suker interframe...
♥♥ international breast feed to join ♥♥
♥ I'AM ♥
I' A M
just an ordinary mom doing ordinary things but hopefully making an extraordinary difference in the lives of her child..
I' A M
a 20 something former carier woman now turned stay at home mother of two couple young children.I have a 2 years old daughter names ‘SOFEA_ELMYRA’ and a infant boy 4 month and most of time I enjoy them names ‘EDZMEER_DARISH’..there are times when they drive me utterly bonkers but even then I still LUFF them..LUfF u all..
a remarkable and greatest husband names ‘MOHAMAD_NAZYREEN’ who i have been married for 3 years and he LUFF me dearly..faults and all..he extremely supportive of me and who I am…
I’ A M
the woman who eagerly left home to pursue her college career and along the way she found herself and the man of her dreams, even though she thoroughly denied it, but the feelings never went away.
I’ A M
the woman who thanks God every day for her incredible life and for all the gifts He is continually blessing her with – her family, her health, and His Atonement which brings about the beautiful message of LUFF, repentance and forgiveness
I’ A M
the mother who struggled with infertility and then miscarriages, who dearly loves her PRINCE n PRINCESS with all of her heart. I'M the same mother who goes crazy when said children whine and complain and overwhelm her to the point of taking her own time-outs to preserve what remains of her sanity.
I’ A M
the mother whose moments of pure bliss come as she listens from the other room to the sounds of her children laughing hysterically together or as she watches them in the still of the night sleeping peacefully and quietly with no cares in the world.
I’ A M
the organizer who craves order and routine, but loves to laugh and be a little spontaneous.
I’ A M
the person who can normally forgive and give strangers the benefit of the doubt, who is learning to accept her own faults and shortcomings by understanding better the grace and tender mercies of her Friend and Savior.
I’ A M
the person who dreams of being an instrument in God’s hands by unconditionally loving others and showing them what their true potential is. I am also the person who is still working on being a little less jealous, a little less selfish and a little less easily offended.I know I am a cherished daughter of our who is grateful for the lifeline of prayer and who one day hopes to be encircled in His arms forever..